Green Party of Pennsylvania

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is the state party organization for Pennsylvania of the Green Party of the United States. In June 2007, 31 Pennsylvania Greens held elected office,[1] including Mathew Ash, the Mayor of Boswell. According to state voter registration statistics, there are 17,762 green party members in the state.[2]

In July 2007, the Green Party of Pennsylvania hosted the GPUS Annual National Meeting, in Reading.[3]

On 20 January 2008, party member Marty Qually was appointed to a three-year term as an alternate on the Gettysburg zoning hearing board.[4]


  1. ^ Mike Feinstein, "Green Party members holding elected office in the United States:" at
  2. ^ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Voter Registration Statistics - Unofficial November 7, 2006
  3. ^ [1]
  4. ^ Matt Casey "Qually named to zoning board" Hanover Evening Sun 20 January 2008 (subscription needed)

External links